vertex cover problem

英 [ˈvɜːteks ˈkʌvə(r) ˈprɒbləm] 美 [ˈvɜːrteks ˈkʌvər ˈprɑːbləm]

网络  顶点覆盖问题; 顶点涵盖问题



  1. The algorithm is a significant improvement over the previous algorithms for the minimum fault coverage problem for reconfigurable arrays with its running time bounded by O ( 1. 26k+ kn), as well as over the related parameterized algorithms for the minimum vertex cover problem.
  2. Improvement on Vertex Cover and Independent Set Problem for Low Degree Graphs
  3. A semidefinite relaxation is attained from the equivalence form for the Vertex Cover Problem in a normal way.
  4. An exact algorithm to improve the upper bound of vertex cover and independent set problem for low degree graphs is presented.
  5. DNA algorithm for minimum vertex cover problem based on molecular computation
  6. A DNA Algorithm Based on Satisfiable Solution Space& for the Minimum Vertex Cover Problem
  7. This paper mainly focuses on the following two subjects: the encoding problem and DNA computing algorithm for the minimum vertex cover problem.
  8. This paper presents a new Hybrid Genetic Algorithm ( HGA) to solve minimum vertex cover problem. Combining SGA and Local Optimization Technique ( LOT), this improves local searching ability of SGA and gives near to optimal solution speedy.
  9. Next an approximation algorithm for the minimum weak vertex cover set problem is constructed and the approximation ratio of 2 by primal-dual method is analyzed. Finally the approximation algorithm for the minimum weak vertex cover set is analyzed based on the maximal flow partition.
  10. Combined with the secure communications problem of wireless sensor networks, s-path vertex cover problem is proposed.
  11. The measure station selection problem can be mapped to vertex cover problem. By make use of the traffic flow conservation law, could deduce the problem into weak vertex cover problem, and thus further reduce the measure station deployments.
  12. Measure station deployment problem can be mapped to the minimum vertex cover problem. When determining the deployment station, we need to take a reasonable measure assignment to make the measurement cost is relatively low.